This bubble in time

Lately I’ve been feeling as if I’m in a bubble. A delicate bubble of time that’s about to burst open. I’m hanging in the quiet balance before impact, before all of the wind and sound come rushing in. I’ve been home for about two months now, back for another pause between trips. The fact that this is my life, that I’ve spent the better part…

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5 Questions on nostalgia with Andra Stefan of Amsterdamming

I want to talk about a feeling that comes up for most of us from time to time, the one that cloys like sweet musk and has a weightiness that presses and lingers. It’s a feeling of longing, of time passing, of honey-soaked memories crystallized in time. It’s a bittersweet pill, one that tends to come more frequently with age, one that seems to affect…

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Thought bubbles: that grass is greener paradox

There’s a paradox I noticed after returning home from nearly a year spent on the road. The paradox being that when I’m living a life of constant travel, at some point, I inevitably start to crave the structure of home life, but when I’m back home and living out my daily routine, I inevitably start to crave the freedom of boundless exploration. Call it human…

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Thought bubbles: I am not this person: am I this person?

I am not this person. Am I this person? How was I this person? Questions reeling through my mind the other day, after a bad night. After a moment when I messed up. When my ugly sides came out. Reared their damaged heads, demanded to be seen, and heard. Maybe you haven’t seen this side of me, but trust me, it’s there, and it’s very…

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Summer days

As I walk down the street on this summer day, I’m walking through every other summer day that came before.   All of the ones contained within me burst open like that barefooted girl running through fresh cut grass, sprinkler soaking her neon swimsuit in skinny lines.   The sun on my face feels inseparable from the way those popsicles dribbled sticky pink and blue…

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