It is 8 o’clock on a Friday night, and there are a million things I could be doing at this very moment. I could be learning that new language I’ve been putting off for years….
Posts tagged self
Explaining yourself for the verbally stilted
Explain yourself. It’s something we are required to do often. In job interviews, on websites, at “networking events” or when simply meeting a friend of a friend. There’s nothing wrong with it, we all crave context,…
The Girl’s a Daydreamer
I’m beginning to think you’re a daydreamer. You’re like air, always floating. You get lost in your head, swirling around. I’ve heard it all. I simultaneously love and hate this aspect of myself. While I can…
The Burden We Feel
Sometimes I feel like the guy in this illustration. I don’t want to feel like the guy in this illustration. In fact, there is a lot of self-loathing going on when I think about why…
How That Cookie Crumbles
Sometimes a girl just needs to bake a cookie. Correction: sometimes this girl just needs to bake a cookie. There is something about baking. I love that it is both a science and an art. You…
A Brush With Reality
People like to say: Take things day by day. You never know where things are gonna go, so go with the flow, and take the higher road. C’est la vie, and so the story goes…..