5 questions on naturopathic medicine with Dr. Hanisha Patel

There is so much information circulating about natural medicine these days. Between organic foods, superfoods, supplements, CBD and endless warnings of what’s good and bad for us, it can be hard to sort the top from the bottom. Amidst all of the confusion, it can be tempting to just throw up our hands and say to hell with it all, but at the end of…

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5 Questions on female sexuality with Bryony Cole and Grace Carroll of WET

As I sit down to write this intro, I’m asking myself why we need to have a discussion about female sexuality in the first place. Female sexuality, much like mental health or anxiety, is a topic that’s been swept under the rug for many years, usually only referenced via innuendo or in hushed tones — so why should we open it up for public discourse…

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“I always feel like I could be doing more.”

“I always feel like I could be doing more.” A statement written in black marker on poster board, photographed and staring back at me from my feed. A sentiment that stopped my mindless scrolling for a moment and made me pause. Something about it held a thread of truth and tugged at things inside of me. “I always feel like I could be doing more.”…

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The narrative that often goes untold

We often hear about the go-getters. The driven ones with ambitious goals. The ones who want to climb the ladder, who want to get to the top and run the world. We hear about how hard they worked to succeed, the first seeds of their big dreams and why they sacrificed almost everything for them. We’ve grown accustomed to these stories, held up as beacons…

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For exactly who I am

There’s something about the peace of writing down my thoughts, shifting words, deleting lines, arranging the language in a way that matches the contours and impressions of my thoughts and feelings, giving them the most accurate shape possible, molding them in the most respectful likeness. Something I’ve never been able to find in the more urgent instance of a face-to-face conversation— words bubble up, sentiments…

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