Thought bubbles: the ebbs and flows of a digital appetite

Flicking through glossy images of fashion, beauty, style, life, -you name it- on the internet is a lusty game. It’s intoxicating to soak in all the contrived and lacquered beauty, all the well t h o u g h t o u t words, but it often leaves me with a dry taste in my mouth. It leaves my hands busy, itching to create something…

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Home within

Artwork by Lonesome Daughter. Feeling at home within myself. It’s not an easy task sometimes. Some days I would rather look inward with daggers rather than with quiet words and soothing thoughts. Some days I can’t summon the “speak to yourself as you would your good friend” strategy. Some days I wrestle and reckon with all of the stupid things I did, what I should do…

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Wake up

wake up splash water on your face wash off the hushed, entangled dreams perfumed with nostalgia and old faces wake up try to wipe them away but don’t rub your skin, leave it tender, not raw wake up don’t put on clothes yet linger in this place between slumber and wakefulness savor the sweet sun warming the house in subtle succession hold onto the morning…

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Looking from the outside in

Sometimes I can get in what I like to call “what are you doing with your life?” modes. It usually starts with my good old friend comparison. I see someone doing so many things. Maybe they are killing it at their job and juggling two or three side projects, maybe they are decorated with various awards and accomplishments at a much younger age than me, maybe they…

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Finding forgiveness

the resentments are gathering like rust corroding all that is good and fine and I want to find forgiveness this almighty forgiveness that always seems so elusive   is it deep down inside me? something I simply must dig long enough to find unearthing layers of injustice and debris before finally striking gold   or is it only attainable after countless anonymous moments wear the other…

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