I’m trying to find the words to describe my travels. I want to write about this prolonged journey I’m on, with no foreseeable end in sight. I want to talk about how stripping away the creature comforts of home feels a bit like floating. How the constant motion feels something like putting down shallow roots everywhere — stringy and white, they spread out like a…
Travel Vignettes – from Moldova to Kyrgyzstan
Our Uber driver wears a pastel rainbow striped button down, a la the nineties. He is nearly bald with only a downy layer of white still intact. Just a few words are exchanged before he cranks up, what I assume is, Ukrainian rock music. Orange digital letters on the radio display confirm the genre; “roks”. He turns it up louder, clearly enjoying showing off what…
Thought bubbles: the paradox of cohesion
Consistency is a tricky beast. Society/people/our expectations of ourselves always seems to be asking us to pick a path, to find a niche, to produce consistently within a certain theme, or hell, even a certain color palate. Everything bears down demanding us to choose a cohesive course. But the thing is, that at the same time, we crave the boundary defiers, the people that buck…
I am not an easy person to love
I argue when I should listen I become defensive when I should soften I shoot out aggressive words when I should hold my tongue I impinge when I should grant space I know better but I do not do better I am aware of my problems but cannot seem to control the impulses that rise within me Cannot break down the controlling urge that suffocates…
James Baldwin Couldn’t be More Relevant
In times that seem to only get more and more troubling, I have been reading James Baldwin’s Nobody Knows My Name. His thoughts around the issues humanity was struggling with in the 1960s are still poignantly (scarily) relevant now. I thought I’d share some of the passages that stood out to me in the hopes that you will get something out of them too and to bring greater…
What really matters, a prompt:
What really matters is something more than a feeling. It’s a knowing that weighs in my stomach like a thud on the floor. It’s knowing that my body is moving, my mind is thinking, my faculties are being put to some use. That I am going somewhere even if I don’t know where that is. It’s when I escape the endless cycle of wanting, consuming,…