The Essence of a Place: Amsterdam

How do you capture the essence of a place? Is it in the people? The food? The language? Or is it more than that? That je ne sais quois, that thing in the air you can’t quite put your finger on. As much as I love travel guides that tell you the what-to-dos and the where-to-gos, sometimes I just want to know what a place feels like. I want to imagine myself there. I want to immerse myself in its hustle and bustle or relax in its tranquil calm. In French, there is a word that encapsulates this attitude, “dérive.” Defined as:

“an unplanned journey through a landscape, usually urban, on which the subtle aesthetic contours of the surrounding architecture and geography subconsciously direct the travellers, with the ultimate goal of encountering an entirely new and authentic experience.” 

As I find myself back in my home away from home of Amsterdam, I am embracing the dérive to the utmost. As I wander the city, and attempt to absorb its essence, I thought I would take you along for the ride, with a few humble Instagram videos (ps. you can follow me on there, if you haven’t already), images and words.

I hope you enjoy the wander!





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