The Unwritten Guide to Coffee & Cake: Amsterdam | Zuivere Koffie

It’s time again for another Coffee & Cake review. In hopes of sharing the coziest, quirkiest and most delicious coffee and cake spots in Amsterdam, I have scoured every street (I’m not kidding, I literally walked almost every street in Amsterdam) to discover what wasn’t being written about, what was still hiding in anonymity. Today, I shed light on the lovely Zuivere Koffie.

Located in the center of Amsterdam, not far from Concerto Koffie, Zuivere Koffie is an unassuming cafe tucked away on Utrechtsestraat. At first glance it may not look like much, but once you step inside you are whisked into a soothing respite from the busy streets of the Amsterdam center.

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Say hello to Zuivere Koffie

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In a few words Zuivere Koffie is: calm, homey, at ease, garden escape

[for those of you who are just here for the vital info, you can skip down a bit to where I answer the basic coffee and cake questions]

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The natural light that streams in through the windows sets the mood for your visit, which is instantly made more pleasant by the lovely owner and staff who invite you to stay for awhile and aren’t afraid of the curious customer who asks a lot of questions (ehm, me). Take a seat inside or head out back to my favorite feature of this cafe; the secluded patio.

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Here you can sit comfortably alone and contemplate life, or enjoy a light hearted conversation with a loved one. Either option makes sense in this gem of a space.

Amsterdam Coffee and Cake_Zuivere Koffie_20Zuivere Koffie is better suited for the leisurely morning breakfast or a relaxing midday break than it is a place to bring your laptop and bust out some work. In fact, they actually don’t have wifi for that reason. So I recommend coming here for a mental escape and to unplug from our over-wired world.

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But now for the reason we are here, the coffee and cake:

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The coffee was of high quality with a rich flavor, but this isn’t one of those places for coffee connoisseurs who want to discuss the profile of the roast or the origins of the coffee farm. So a warning to the extreme coffee snobs (and I mean no judgment, as I can be one myself), there aren’t different bean options and there is no roaster in the back. But with that said, I think most people will be more than pleased with the flavor of their espresso drink. Not to mention, the menu has one notable option that differs from the norm; iced cappuccino. I decided to mix it up and give this drink a try. It was delicious! I found out later that they blend the coffee with homemade vanilla ice cream (so how couldn’t it be delicious..), which makes for a decadent treat. I say go ahead, treat yo’ self.

-The Coffee Questions-

What kind of coffee do they use? Boot Koffie, organic/bio 100% Arabica coffee roasted locally in the nearby town of Baarn.

How is it brewed? Espresso machine.

What kind of milk do they have? Whole milk, koffie melk (a Dutch thing, essentially evaporated milk that blends nicely with coffee).

What’s on the menu? Americano, espresso, espresso macchiato, cappuccino, koffie verkeerd, latte macchiato, iced cappuccino, as well as a variety of smoothies.

What’s the price? From 2-4.50 euro.

What sweeteners are offered? White sugar, honey.

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The cake selection is bountiful with the classics. From apple taart to carrot cake, satisfy your sweet tooth with the best of the traditional treats. All of the cakes are made from scratch, I even watched as the owner made the apple cake.

-The Cake Questions-

What’s on the menu?Apple tart, carrot cake, lemon cake, date cake.

Are the ingredients bio/organic? No.

Are there vegan options? No.

What’s the price? From 3.50 to 4 euro.

How are the portions? The slices are hearty and worth the price.

Other food options? They have a breakfast and lunch menu with omelettes and various sandwich options that all looked quite good.

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So if you feel like a garden getaway, visit Zuivere Koffie for a few hours and forget your city slicker worries.

Zuivere Koffie’s Hours:

Monday: 8:00 – 17:00

Tuesday: 8:00 – 17:00

Wednesday: 8:00 – 17:00

Thursday: 8:00 –17:00

Friday: 8:00 – 17:00

Saturday: 9:30 – 17:00

Sunday: closed


Utrechtsestraat 39
1017 VH Amsterdam

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You can view the rest of the Unwritten Guides here.


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1 Comment

  1. Federica August 13, 2018 at 10:25 am

    Love this place!! one of my favorites in Amsterdam, an authentic and “gezellig” café where to feel like at home.
    Sometimes they also have a fantastic and friendly cat that loves to sit with the guests.


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