there are so many voices.
strong voices,
powerful voices
there are so many voices far more knowledgable
there are so many voices far more insightful
there are so many voices far less privileged
there are so many voices who have seen something and done more
there are so many voices who have been through pain and live through the unimaginable
there are so many voices who are aching for a nation that is lost and so wrong
there are so many voices crying out for justice
so many voices in outrage for peace
so many voices who can better capture the tide and direct the current
so many voices that demand action and desire answers,
answers that can never add up
there are so many voices in the chorus, it’s a wonder any of us still sing
any of us still fight
any of us still feel
any of us still look forward
with hope
There are so many voices, what can mine add?
what can yours say?
there are so many voices
but we still need to be heard
you still need to be heard
I still need to be heard
for reasons unknown
for ripples that may go unseen
but that move the tides just the same
_ _ _
Photo by Jera Lynn
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