I’m only content when I’m moving. A sentiment that keeps surfacing in my mind. There’s a certain stimulation that comes with constantly seeing new places that is intensely intoxicating. It can rip the rug right out…
Browsing Category Life Thoughts
Unrooted, Head in the Trees
artwork by Oriana G. G. Hirschberg “We have broken our equilibrium.”-Sebastião Salgado The frenetic pace of the digital, idea economy leaves us empty. Endless days spent behind artificially lit screens takes its toll on our…
We all need a sanctuary
We all need a sanctuary. A safe space where we can immerse ourselves, unwind and perk up. Whether your sanctuary is the quiet zen of a yoga class or the hour you set aside to…
People From Behind and Stepping Into the In-between
Often we have so many conflicting ideas and emotions, it can be hard to pin down a consistent thread underlying them all. A big part of you wants to settle while another half yearns to be a…
why create? (a quick guide for when you’re feeling down)
why create? why shout into the dark when it seems like the dark is just an endless void? what is the point? an issue addressed millions of times yet it keeps popping up like that pesky green…
Inspiring me lately…
A peek into my inspirations as of late. In order from upper left-hand corner, clockwise: Womankind Magazine— a serious breath of fresh air in the magazine world. Check.it.out. The lovely photographs of @kate_sweeney The beautiful…