Lost, you are lost, the screen reads the words, clear as day, staring back at me in neutral black letters, letters neatly secluded in their little green bubble. A truth for the ages, it seems. A truth so…
Browsing Category Life Thoughts
For all the women with no chill
This goes out to all the women with no chill. For all the women who have trouble sitting still without feeling a slight tinge of anxiety creep in. For all the women who desire contentment…
When writing about my experience isn’t enough
there are so many voices. strong voices, powerful voices there are so many voices far more knowledgable there are so many voices far more insightful there are so many voices far less privileged there are…
Hiding in the open
There are dreams that irk you because they are too real. They touch on things you hope to never uncover. Latent wishes, passions and desires that cannot be quenched. The unconscious parts of your being that…
Waiting out the blahs
Photo by Alyssa Deering Life is streaming on by and what do I have to show for it? Words that appear in my head as I try to sleep: a foggy imprint on glass. Every…