The Unwritten Guide to Coffee & Cake: Amsterdam | Overtoom, 301

There are few things I love more than coffee and cake. People always say it is the little things in life that make you happy, and for me this couldn’t be more true, especially if there is food involved. Give me a cup of tasty coffee and a slice of something sweet, and I can check the box of daily contentment.

Now that I am in Amsterdam, I always find myself searching up the best places to satisfy my coffee and cake addiction. I’ve come to realize that the guide I want doesn’t yet exist. Instead, my best cafe finds come from wandering the city and stumbling upon somewhere unique. That’s why I decided to turn the gems I find into an ongoing series for whatever city I find myself in. If I can help others find truly original and yummy places for an afternoon coffee date, I will have done my job. [for those of you who are just here for the vital info, you can skip down a bit to where I answer the basic coffee and cake questions] And if you are just along for the ride, please enjoy the ambience and savor a few morsels from my travels.

Coffee&Cake_TheUnwrittenGuideThe first stop on my coffee and cake exploration is a little cafe/ “culture kitchen” inside an artist’s squat called Overtoom, 301.

In a few words this place is: underground, alternative, raw, chill, cozy, and alive with progressive energy.

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As you walk into the converted building, the grafittied walls and grungy steel doors, immediately give you a sense of 301’s artistic attitude.

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Right off the main entrance, you arrive to De Peper, which is a self-proclaimed vegan, organic culture kitchen.

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Don’t be scared by the bold language and aggressive duct tape, once inside De Peper makes you feel right at home.

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What’s special about De Peper, is that they have live music and events happening all the time. The day I was there, there was a lovely blues player wailin’ away on his guitar. You are also filled with the sounds and scents of the cooks preparing whatever is on deck for dinner that day. It creates a nice backdrop to sit back and enjoy.

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But about the coffee and cake:

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The coffee was tasty. It had a beautiful crema (the top part of the espresso, for the non-coffee nerds out there) and tasted rich and strong. I ordered a basic Americano and the flavor held its own, no milk or cream needed.

-The Coffee Questions-

What kind of coffee do they use? Simon Levelt , organic/bio

How is it brewed? Espresso Machine is the only method.

What kind of milk do they have? Only soy and oat milk (since it is a vegan kitchen).

What’s on the menu? The options are limited here. Only coffee (read: Americano) is on their menu.

What’s the price? This is the best part, only 1 euro.

What sweeteners are offered? Organic, cane sugar.

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The cakes were okay. They tasted very healthy, not sweet at all and a bit lacking in flavor. We had an apple pie and a coconut sponge cake with poppy seeds. I kept going back for more bites as there was something enjoyable about the wholesome flavor but I wouldn’t put these cakes in the delectable category by any means.

-The Cake Questions-

What’s on the menu? The menu changes daily.

Are the ingredients bio/organic? Yes.

Are there vegan options? Yes, they are all 100% vegan.

What’s the price? We payed only 1.50 euros but it changes based on the menu.

How are the portions? The slices are decently sized, not very big but not too small either.

Other food options? Yes, they have a daily dinner menu consisting of hearty vegetable dishes (salads, soups, etc.).

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I would recommend Overtoom, 301 if you are in the mood for something out of the norm or you want to check out an art event. The atmosphere put me at ease, nourished my creative side and made me want to stay the whole afternoon.

De Peper Hours for Dinner:

Tuesday: 18.00-01.00

Thursday: 18.00-01.00

Friday: 18.00-03.00

Sunday: 18.00-01.00


Vereniging Eerst Hulp Bij Kunst
Overtoom 301
1054 HW Amsterdam
The Netherlands

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