Inspiring me lately…

A peek into my inspirations as of late.

In order from upper left-hand corner, clockwise:

  1. Womankind Magazine— a serious breath of fresh air in the magazine world.
  2. The lovely photographs of @kate_sweeney
  3. The beautiful work of Elizabeth Amber Rudnick
  4. The fantastic artwork of Sara Blake, Hello ZSO
  5. Image Unknown, found on Pinterest (please let me know if you know the creator!)
  6. My future hair color, if I ever schedule the appointment.. Photo of Lindsey Wixson by Angelo Pennetta.
  7. Oh, you know this girl. Marilyn by Sam Shaw, 1957. I love the carefree feeling of this image.

More where that came from on my Pinterest..

Cheers to lazy Sundays and less worries!



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