I love uncovering the inspiration behind any creative work. I am fascinated by why people do the things they do, where their ideas come from and the process that brings them to fruition. That’s why I…
Browsing Category Profiles
An Evening With…Zac Little
Sometimes the smallest actions or statements make the biggest impact. It could be a phrase a friend says in passing or a stranger offering directions when you need them most. You never know how your…
An Evening With…Josie Schweitzer of Thank Yoga
Think about the last time you blew a bubble. As children, we’d revel in the opportunity to take a lousy sud on a neon-colored wand and animate it with a quick puff of breath. This…
A Day With…Mario Ashkar
People watching is my favorite pastime. Nothing gives me more pleasure than sitting with a cup of coffee and daydreaming about the lives of strangers walking past. I wonder about their clothes and the book…
Off The Clock…Rachel Gearinger
Here’s the thing; I think we have a problem. Now, not to worry, I’m not here to be a bearer of bad news, a negative Nancy or, god forbid, a Debbie downer. But I also…
Girl Crushin’…Jenai Dominique
I am excited to share another Girl Crushin’ profile with you! Today, our subject is the stunning Jenai Dominique. Jenai is an aspiring fashion stylist with big dreams and charisma to spare. You know when…