I wince a lot when I remember all of the stupid things I once said. Oftentimes this reaction is sparked by a new conversation on a topic of which I was previously ill-informed or unaware….
Browsing Category Life Thoughts
Thought bubbles: the paradox of cohesion
Consistency is a tricky beast. Society/people/our expectations of ourselves always seems to be asking us to pick a path, to find a niche, to produce consistently within a certain theme, or hell, even a certain…
I am not an easy person to love
I argue when I should listen I become defensive when I should soften I shoot out aggressive words when I should hold my tongue I impinge when I should grant space I know better but…
What really matters, a prompt:
What really matters is something more than a feeling. It’s a knowing that weighs in my stomach like a thud on the floor. It’s knowing that my body is moving, my mind is thinking, my…
Home within
Artwork by Lonesome Daughter. Feeling at home within myself. It’s not an easy task sometimes. Some days I would rather look inward with daggers rather than with quiet words and soothing thoughts. Some days I can’t…
Looking from the outside in
Sometimes I can get in what I like to call “what are you doing with your life?” modes. It usually starts with my good old friend comparison. I see someone doing so many things. Maybe they are…