I argue when I should listen I become defensive when I should soften I shoot out aggressive words when I should hold my tongue I impinge when I should grant space I know better but…
Browsing Category Blog
James Baldwin Couldn’t be More Relevant
In times that seem to only get more and more troubling, I have been reading James Baldwin’s Nobody Knows My Name. His thoughts around the issues humanity was struggling with in the 1960s are still poignantly (scarily) relevant…
What really matters, a prompt:
What really matters is something more than a feeling. It’s a knowing that weighs in my stomach like a thud on the floor. It’s knowing that my body is moving, my mind is thinking, my…
Thought bubbles: the ebbs and flows of a digital appetite
Flicking through glossy images of fashion, beauty, style, life, -you name it- on the internet is a lusty game. It’s intoxicating to soak in all the contrived and lacquered beauty, all the well t h…
Home within
Artwork by Lonesome Daughter. Feeling at home within myself. It’s not an easy task sometimes. Some days I would rather look inward with daggers rather than with quiet words and soothing thoughts. Some days I can’t…