I’m trying to find the words to describe my travels. I want to write about this prolonged journey I’m on, with no foreseeable end in sight. I want to talk about how stripping away the…
Posts Published by Elizabeth Sensky
Travel Vignettes – from Moldova to Kyrgyzstan
Our Uber driver wears a pastel rainbow striped button down, a la the nineties. He is nearly bald with only a downy layer of white still intact. Just a few words are exchanged before he…
Thought bubbles: the paradox of cohesion
Consistency is a tricky beast. Society/people/our expectations of ourselves always seems to be asking us to pick a path, to find a niche, to produce consistently within a certain theme, or hell, even a certain…
I am not an easy person to love
I argue when I should listen I become defensive when I should soften I shoot out aggressive words when I should hold my tongue I impinge when I should grant space I know better but…
James Baldwin Couldn’t be More Relevant
In times that seem to only get more and more troubling, I have been reading James Baldwin’s Nobody Knows My Name. His thoughts around the issues humanity was struggling with in the 1960s are still poignantly (scarily) relevant…
What really matters, a prompt:
What really matters is something more than a feeling. It’s a knowing that weighs in my stomach like a thud on the floor. It’s knowing that my body is moving, my mind is thinking, my…